The number of service units attributable to a new development shall be determined by using the Land Use Equivalency Table.
Impact Fee Service Unit Equivalency Table
1.0 service unit is equal to 250 gallons per day
A single-family residence that is 3,000 square feet or less is equal to 1.0 service unit.
- Additional wastewater service units are calculated at a rate of 0.0002 service unit per square foot that exceeds 3,000 square feet.
- Additional water service units are calculated at a rate of 0.0002 service unit per square foot that exceeds 3,000 square feet.
Example calculations
The proposed development is the construction of a single-family residence that is 3,000 square feet.
3,000 square feet = 1.0 service unit
- Wastewater fee: 1.0 service unit x $1,703.73 per service unit = $1,703.73
- Water fee: 1.0 service unit x $2,040,30 per service unit = $2,040,30
The proposed development is an addition of 50 square feet to an existing 3,000 square-foot single-family residence.
50 square feet x 0.0002 service unit per square foot = 0.01 service unit
- Wastewater fee: 0.01 service unit x $1,703.73 per service unit = $17.04
- Water fee: 0.01 service unit x $2,040,30 per service unit = $20.40
The proposed development is the construction of a single-family residence that is 3,050 square feet.
3,000 square feet = 1.0 service unit
50 square feet x 0.0002 service unit per square foot = 0.01 service unit
Total service units: 1.0 service unit + 0.01 service unit = 1.01 service units
- Wastewater fee: 1.01 service units x $1,703.73 per service unit = $1,704.74
- Water fee: 1.01 service units x $2,040.30 per service unit = $2,041.31